Freitag, 21. März 2014

Travel the world from your kitchen

This semester food is gonna be one of the major topics in English class, so I guess I will be posting about that topic a couple more times, but as for now I'm starting out with this one. First of all I like to cook in general, but the thing I like best about it is that it's also another way of getting an insight on other cultures. So my
Khoresht-e fesenjān
favorite things to cook are dishes from foreign countries as it allows at least your taste buds to travel there. A week ago I read a great book called "Prisoner of Tehran" by Marina Nemat (I might review it in a later post) which arose my curiosity to learn more about Iran and Persian culture. After reading another book about Iranian politics and people's everyday life there i decided to try out a Persian recipe. The Persian cuisine uses pomegranate a lot which is one of my favorite fruits so I decided to make Khoresht-e fesenjān. It's some kind of stew with a sauce made from pomegranate syrup and walnuts. The dish was easy to prepare and turned out to have a great taste. While the first bite may be a little strange because it tastes nothing like familiar to anything else (at least to me) the combination of the sweet fruit , chicken and nuts with Persian rice is great.
As I said the thing I enjoy most about cooking is getting to know dishes and eating habits of other cultures and there are some good blogs out there related to that topic. I once read one where a woman was alphabetically going through all the countries of the world and prepared a typical desert. Sadly I didn't find it anymore but this one is quite interesting too: . In this blog you can find a variety of cookie recipes from all over the world.
If someone is interested in the fesenjan recipe here is the link to the recipe i used. It's in Ferman but if you google you can sure fnd an English one too

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