Freitag, 28. März 2014

Pan-City and Pollo frito

Bank district
Today I want to introduce you to a city that I could scratch off my “Places I really wanna see list” from a previous post this February. Overall I spent 7 nights in Panama's capital during term break and can only say this city is fascinating. Being the economic hub of the country Panama-City enjoys all the advantages of thewealth the Panama Canal brought the country. The city is completely clean, banks and international companies have their skyscrapers shooting to the sky like mushrooms and lining up with luxury apartment complexes in the upscale neighborhoods Marbella and Bella Vista on the bay. By taking a cab around the city one will soon realize though, that with all this wealth come the contrasts as well. The problem with Panama is that most of the money they make with the Canal stays in the capital, and by taking a closer look at the city one will soon see it does not only stay in the city but also in the hands of a very few people. As impressing and beautiful this city is, if you move away from the fancy districts you will soon see yourself confronted with poverty and social problems. The circumstances most people there live under are unimaginable for the most of us I guess. Nevertheless I highly recommend this city to anyone who travels Middle-America. Here I summed up some of the must-see things in Pan-City and vicinity for you:

The coastal belt
The Coastal-Belt: My absolute favorite in Pan-City. Like a big grass verge this belt runs between the busy Avenida balboa and the pacific coast. This place is a true resort, it offers benches to sit down in a trees shadow, gym equipment free to use for anybody, soccer fields and all that with an amazing view of the city's skyline and the Pacific. It's a place you can sit at for hours just watching the sea and the people passing by.

Allbrook mall: The biggest mall in Panama and also the biggest I've ever been is located right next to the City's Central bus terminal. This place's food court is bigger than most malls here in Austria, you can find anything you want here. It offers all international fast food chains and also a lot of local ones. Most Panamanian fast food chains like Pio Pio serve pollo frito, fried chicken. Overall it is save to say, without being stereotypical that Panamanians love their chicken. You get it everywhere. One fast food chain even has a chicklet serving fried chicken on a tray as logo.. pretty macabre if you think of it right?
The food court
Are you serving your family?

Casco-Viejo: The city's old town has been renovated over the past years and some parts are still under construction. The heavy armed tourism police is omni present there so it's very safe during the day. This place is really worth a visit as you will think you landed in Spain.
Casco Viejo

Miras flores locks: Of course the Panama-Canal is a must see when in Panama but frankly this was one of the bummers of this trip. I imagined it to be more grand but its just a small lock where ships pass through while you fight with mostly 65+ year old tourist for a spot where you can snap a pic. What I really like about this place was the museum though.
A ship passing through the Panama-Canal

After all Panama-City really is a place that will fascinate you once you are there.

A little tip: To cope in the city you have to know at least some basic Spanish because no one there will speak English and cabs etc will rip you off if you don't speak their language. Also note that cabs cost maximum 2$ per ride within the city. So really try to learn some basics before visiting Panama. I fortunately had Spanish in school which I was very glad about since people won't even try to understand if you don't speak a word of Spanish

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